Happy Clients and Participants
Hello, I have been regularly attending Body Pump at 18.45 on Thursdays, taught by Marie, and would like to pass on my feedback now that my time in Leeds has come to an end. I have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the class and would particularly like to comment on the high quality of Marie’s instruction.
Her approach is very personal and individual, despite the large size of the class, and she is always warm and friendly.
Her advice about good form and correct posture during the workout has been very helpful to me. She has been a joy and inspiration, which has kept me coming back to the Edge every week.
If I ever find myself in Leeds again I hope to return, as I have been very happy with my experience at the Edge.
participant from The Edge gym, Leeds- West Yorkshire
…also just wanted to leave some positive feedback on Marie Mann your body pump instructor. She alone would be the main reason I would come back if things don’t work out at my new gym. Nice to have someone so competent at teaching & particular about technique, always smiley & very nice lass.
Tracey H., Interior Designer, participant from The Edge gym, Leeds- West Yorkshire
Today I had one of the best yoga classes at the Edge, taught by Marie, replacing Alison.
It would be great if you could add Marie’s yoga classes to the normal programme. Together with Isabel and Sam she’s a true yoga expert.
All yoga classes are regularly overbooked, so adding some (S/P/A in particular) would make a lot of sense.
Also, a yoga class need to be 1-hour long. Back to back 45-minutes slots, that end up being 35-38 minutes long, are not a great idea in general, and certainly unsuitable for yoga.
Best regards
Emanuele, participant from The Edge gym, Leeds- West Yorkshire
I am now leaving university so will not be able to continue using the gym. However I wanted to thank The Edge in general for a fantastic service and highlight some particularly fantastic instructors. Zumba has been a joy to discover, and in particular the bubbling enthusiasm of Lucy and Jo. Their positivity and friendliness would make hard labour enjoyable.
Claire (of Pilates, gorgeous glutes and Fab Abs) is fantastic for her informative and holistic approach, excellent at catering to specific requirements and easily approachable.But most of all Marie (from Body Pump, Body Combat, and god knows how many other things) has been utterly instrumental in unlocking the key to ENJOYING exercise even when it is painfully tough. Thanks to her I have never felt so strong, confident and healthy.
She can always make a class smile; is very clued up with the latest health and fitness knowledge; and has a wonderfully holistic approach to exercise and has frequently gone above and beyond her role as an instructor, giving advice and support.
I shall greatly miss these fantastic instructors, at least 2 of whom I now consider good friends. Thank you for helping me feel healthier than ever. If I were staying in Leeds you would not be seeing the back of me.
Ella G.
“Marie at Mpower has totally transformed my approach to food and nutrition. As someone who has always had an unhappy relationship with food and a lifetime of depriving myself and over exercising to try (and fail) to reach an ideal, it was a revelation to learn how you can use food to nourish your body and that weight and body composition then takes care of itself.
No hunger, no beating myself up for hours each day in the gym, and the best physical and mental health of my life. I wish I’d known about this approach years ago!”
Helen W., Leeds- West Yorkshire
“I’ve struggled with weight and food issues for most of my life.
I was never one for ‘fad’ diets, but have spent many years following both Weight Watchers and Slimming World, getting frustrated with myself when they didn’t give lasting results.
I also hated exercise, being an asthmatic meant that any kind of cardio was difficult for me. Through working with Marie at Mpower-Fitness I have learned a lot about nutrition, the foods I should REALLY be eating (and those I shouldn’t), and how to exercise properly, in a way that I enjoy and that works for me.
I don’t think it’s going too far to say that my life has been completely changed by this program – I am now fitter, stronger and healthier than I have ever been, I have so much more energy and I’m noticeably happier.
My asthma symptoms have all but disappeared too, which is something I never considered was related to what I was eating. In short, I would highly recommend this program to anyone!”Kelly B. Leeds- West Yorkshire
“I would like to put in a good word in for Marie (Body Pump, 18.45, Thursday 22nd August).She gave me some really good advice about my back and how I should change a particular aspect of how I lift.
It was a full and busy class, but she still had the time to notice what I was doing incorrect and then see that I change what I was doing. She told me in a way that her advice really sunk in so I will certainly act on it in future.
Although I don’t have any pain or problems with my back now, I think she has saved me a lot of potential pain in the future, so I am really grateful to her.”
Stephen H., Leeds- West Yorkshire
“Just wanted to say how much I loved Marie’s 1.30pm spin class.She was just fantastic. She was really enthusiastic and knowledgeable – she gave us loads of top tips I’ve never heard, and I’ve been spinning on and off for over 10 years.
Also fantastic to finally get an instructor who understands that they need to vary tracks and speeds; that a warm up should be a warm up (seriously I’ve had an instructor who for the warm up was trying to get us to go over 100 rpm and our rest position was about 12, which could be very off putting for a first timer – I just ignored them!); and that if you increase your resistance you might only be able to go about 47 rpm!
She also included a great variety of music, including Beds are Burning and Bat out of Hell.
Tess, Leeds- West Yorkshire
“Having continued with the Body Combat class since January I cannot emphasise enough the benefit of this class at the end of the week.I attend other classes on the programme and the instructors are always professional and motivational, however I felt it important to email specifically in relation to Marie as she takes care in her class to ensure that those who are late have time to warm up.
Her instructions and options are always clear and she is always cheerful enthusiastic and inclusive of all of the members that attend, reassuring those who may initially struggle with the sequences.
From a personal perspective, at the end of what is always a busy week, the class helps me to energise and prepare for my Friday ‘catch up day’ at work and to look forward to the weekend I have recently commenced the Tai Chi class on a Tuesday which is a good balance for all of the aerobic activity that I do during the week, and again I found that Marie was very clear and inclusive and reassuring for beginners in this class.
I think that as one of your instructors she is an excellent ambassador for what I think the Sports and Physical Activity stand for, I would be grateful if you could pass this on to the appropriate people in your team and please do pass my feedback on to Marie.”
Ann M., Leeds- West Yorkshire
“Monday night workouts are always tough, being the first of the week, but since starting tai chi on Tuesday mornings, any muscle soreness seems to quickly fade away.Early morning tai chi is a perfect way to wake up and loosen up both body and mind. After that I’m ready for ANYTHING the day can throw at me.
Life always seems so busy that it’s hard to find time to just relax and be quiet, away from distractions.Even just once weekly, tai chi helps me get some much needed ‘me time’.”
Helen H., Leeds- West Yorkshire
“Tai chi for an hour in the morning before work helps me to focus on the day ahead in a relaxed and energised way.”
Anne M., Leeds- West Yorkshire
“Very happy with Marie as an instructor.
She is approachable and enthusiastic and I always look forward to attending body combat on Thursdays.”
participant from The Edge gym, Leeds- West Yorkshire
“I love Thai Chi, Eighteen Movements in particular. Once it helped me to get back on the track after a very demanding period when I lived abroad. Later on, moving back to UK interrupted my classes.I hoped to find a similar group here in Leeds.
Marie’s class in the Heart was not the only one I tried but it is certainly the last, because I have found what I have been looking for – high professional level entwined with warm and caring attitude.
Marie’s energy and optimism fills in the space around her.
All I need to do is to take a step into that circle and join the routine.”
Olga M., Leeds- West Yorkshire
“Hello Marie (again),Wanted to thank you for all your info! I am on 8 mg /daily and it has completely taken away the pain symptoms…. but surprised me in eliminating the lung issues I had with fresh /or cold air….. (severe lung congestion the next day) I was getting eye inflammation… it too is going away !
You are so right in the diet side issues! I am following a no gluten regimen… and I have eliminated all starches except occasional white rice, and corn tortilla chips that are non-GMO, and a once in a while baked potatoe….
By following your advice I have put away the cane…. and can stand up straight for the first time in years!! I am now back to being 6′ 5″ and feeling more stamina as I keep taking the LDN.
Even more surprising is that after all the shots in my spinal cord of steroids, and
more orally several months ago to stop the massive flareup of AS.. I am for the first time losing weight…. 10 lbs in 3 weeks…. it can only be that it is correcting my metabolism issues too?? !!
Met you on your website! WOW very Polished and Professional ! Wish you were closer also as I could really make use of your expertise on regaining posture and fitness.
Take good care”
Jay S., Oxford, Michigan USA
Hi Marie,
I have received this feedback from a member that has attended your classes so I thought I would pass on the positive comment. :-)‘I really enjoyed Marie’s Body Pump classes. They were really well structured, entertaining and after regular attendance I could really feel improvements to my overall physique and strength. She was really thoughtful and listened to individual conditions, without neglecting the class. Critique – The new playlist could be better.’Regards
Class Coordinator/Personal Trainer
The Edge